Oh today I’m making a video on how to
get rid of toenail fungus okay you’re

gonna need some concentrated flitch and
it says it kills 99.9% of germs right so
you need some in the clap q-tip oregano
oil tea tree oil and an antifungal
solution I’m using a famous brand of
antifungal but this one is the right
version of it so let’s start okay now I
have a nail here as you can see you see
the top part it’s really really yellow
means the fungus is coming out because
this thing really works and I’ve been
applying this for three times a week
maybe two but don’t do it too much
because bleach is corrosive and it can
damage your nail so you’re gonna grab
the q-tip some bleach on it really
really wet I’m gonna put it on the nail
just a nail and if there’s a reason you
have in the skin just wipe it off with
the other part of the kitchen get the
salt you’re gonna see it like it’s you
know it’s working because it’s going to
get white this is working guys me and I
leave it there until dries out and if
you have fun getting to all the nails
you can use a new one and just apply –
oh I do it to all them because I don’t
want you know this fungus to spread to
the other nails okay Bob after it dries
out you can apply this or I going to oil
you can apply it on water if you you
know when you do your regular pay cure
and this one you’re gonna apply directly
to your tea nail after it dries out you
know just leech stress out and this one
you just going to apply you know every
time you remember I guess I think that’s
all I hope it works for you guys just
let me know if it works
comment share this works

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